Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico

Our Memorial Reef in Mérida off the Coast of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula

Mérida, on the northwestern tip of Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula, is a historic colonial city built upon centuries of intermingling of Mayan and Spanish cultures. The Mayan civilization flourished in this area by building the most architecturally magnificent pyramids and stone structures like the Chichén Itzá pyramid, considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
crew towing reef balls out to sea using a raft and boat
SCUBA divers in water adjusting reef ball
This region is home to thousands of stunning turquoise sinkholes called “cenote.” In ancient times these massive open-topped freshwater spring caves were used for drinking water and sacred rituals. Today they are popular tourist destinations for swimming and sight-seeing.
Mérida’s portion of the Gulf coast is home to 1000kg sunfish, gentle Whale Sharks, and graceful Spotted Eagle Rays that have a tendency to “take flight” above the surface of the water. As in ancient times, contemporary Mayan coastal inhabitants rely on fishing grouper and snapper for subsistence and have the utmost respect for the ocean and marine ecology.
reef balls with bronze placards near Merida

Silcer Club de Playa

The celebration of life will take place at the gorgeous Silcer Club de Playa, following the Dedication Ceremony at sea. This private beach club boasts an array of facilities including a swimming pool, hammocks, air-conditioned dining room and 45 meters of white sandy beach nestled against the warm blue waters of the Mexican Gulf.
Your family will enjoy delicious fresh fish ceviche and traditional Mexican dishes with a Yucatec flare, as well as American-style dishes.
family beside reef ball with bronze placard in Silcer

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Create a lasting final resting place for your loved one in a living memorial reef.
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